Rabu, 04 Januari 2017

Best Deal Sure Shot Aerobic Mat Turquoise 1 M X 0.5 M X 10 Mm

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Sure Shot Aerobic Mat Turquoise 1 M X 0.5 M X 10 Mm

Sure Shot Aerobic Mat Turquoise 1 M X 0.5 M X 10 Mm Detail Features and Description :


  • Sure Shot Aerobic Mats Gymnastics Practice Exercise Wipe Clean Mat 1mx0.5m x10mm
  • This mat is suitable in homes, clubs and schools for use in training exercises and low impact aerobics. The mat is manufactured using a high quality, hard wearing, tear resistant, wipe clean, hygienic vinyl. It is fully sealed and stitched for optimum durability and comes in three attractive colours
  • Ideal mat for low impact aerobics and training
  • High quality, hard wearing tear resistant vinyl cover
  • Hygienic wipe clean surface


Suitable for low impact aerobics and training exercises
Bonded foam with black piping sealed edges
Fully sealed and stitched for optimum durability
Fitted with hang cords on the top corners
Weight 850g

Product Detail Click Here

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List Price: £15.98

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